Moons and development of the project

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First of all, I was in love with moons. Earning for content, people tipping left and right, some good ideas, good projects, Reddit behind it, allowing ads and banners with people paying with moons, people getting lower distribution if they sell, limiting the negative impact of each distribution... It was great.

Yes, they were and there still are certain bad sides. Reddit "sunsetting" RCPs, blatant farming left and right, people behind the scenes acting on inside information without any repercussions, rule change every now and then. But I was OK with it.

That said, I think it's time to switch my focus on some other things. I'm not leaving completely, just paying more attention to other stuff. First of all, it's not bcs of the price action after the sunset (frankly, it's amazing we were at 50 cents a month and a half ago). Or bcs I'm just not here so much. Or bcs of other coins.

It's bcs I see no (or not enough) development of the project that is r/cc moons or work on the use case(s). Opportunity that was presented to us, to arise above a memecoin and become an actual project, making use of the fact it was bear time, and we had time to make the necessary moves, was squandered. I hated that.

Lately, I've dabbled a bit on another social media platform, that's a bit more crypto centric, just to see what the fuss was about. I will not name it, or the coin that's prominent there, bcs I simply don't like shilling.

But I've seen what can be done when there's a dedicated team, working relentlessly on the coin/token, it's use case, developing the project, making partnerships, lowering the distribution to ensure sustainability, making an entire new L3 chain that, again, has it's own micro economy and projects behind it. It's beautiful. Just when the novelty of one new project wears off, other is in full affect. Not announced or marketed, but already there and working while not saying anything about it until it is finished. It shows strength, work behind the scenes and making use of opportunities.

It reminded me of what I though moons would/should become, but no one had the cojones/will/desire/younameit to take the project and make it into something beautiful and sustainable. It reminded me of the fact that people that wanted to participate in moons, truly developing it, were shunned bcs of some other bad actors. It reminded of what the posts and comments here looked like in bull (you know what I mean). Don't get me wrong - this is not a diss to people working on moons, or those that consider themselves the team behind it. But I think for the most part, their hands are tied due to the nature of moons, this sub and Reddit.

I've learned soo much and experienced some genuine encounters here. I won't name names, but there is also a solid number of knowledgeable, honest and kind people here, that helped me a lot on my crypto journey, not just in moons. I tip my proverbial hat to all of them.

I'm not deleting reddit or abandoning this sub, and I will pop back once in a while (I think by this point, my finger automatically reaches for the app as soon as I unlock the phone).

But as the great man himself said, "I've moved on to other things".

submitted by /u/giddyup281


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