Best 3 Crypto’s for long term investment.

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Best 3 Crypto’s for long term investment.

What 3 Cryptos are the best for a long term investment? Obviously I got Bitcoin at the 1 spot and Ethereum at 2. But if you had to pick a 3rd crypto to buy today, and then DCA as time goes on, which one would it be?

And I’m talking holding for at least 2-5 years.

Right now my portfolio is about 45%Bitcoin 40%Ethereum 13%Avalanche and 2%Shiba.

Any takes on the best option for a 3rd long term investment? I’m not a big fan of stressing out on 10x gains or bust I would much rather just hodl 3 proven coins and DCA once a week.

I was thinking about maybe BNB, AAVE, DOT, LTC, XRP, AVAX, or SOL…

Any feedback would be appreciated. Mind you I’m still a little new to this whole Cyrpto thing.

submitted by /u/Hopeful-Eggplant7262


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